Farm Clovis Points
Clovis points found near the farm! This looks a lot like the one that was found on Susan’s property! Clovis points are distinctive spearheads crafted by ancient Native American cultures, particularly prevalent during the Paleo-Indian period around 13,500 to 12,800 years ago. Named after the town of Clovis, New Mexico, where they were first discovered …
Crazy Farm Tree
Oliver and Theo visited Aunt Susan at her estate in March 2024, and had a blast playing on the crazy tree in her back yard!
Susan Flying Gliders at 14!
Literally crazy that we were all flying airplanes in our teen years! Brian and David got their pilots licenses. Susan and Jennifer flew gliders!
The Farm
Everyone in the extended Hruska family tries to make it to the farm on the third weekend in October every year, but it has occurred to me lately that maybe some of the younger generations may not know why the farm exists and why it is so important to show up. Maybe a little background …
Anyone Can Learn to Fly (Part Two)
In this second part of the story, Donna talks about the Oshkosh Air Show, heading to Mexico, and a few hairy experiences flying.
19XX Post Lake Winter with Maxie
Maxie loved the lake both in summer and winter!